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Vol 45 | Num 7 | Jul 22, 2020

The Offshore Report Ocean City Report Delaware Report Chum Lines Ship to Shore Fish Stories The Galley Issue Photos
Ocean City Report

Article by Capt. BJ Pietryak

Sea bass

Sea bass surprisingly are still going strong at the deeper sites like the Great Eastern Reef as well as the Jacks Spot area. Keeper fish ratios are still about 7-1.This time of year as the water warms we usually see a big slow down in sea bass however, this year water in the 100+ depth is still producing very well. I had occasion to go to the Great Eastern Reef this week and saw several nice knotheads. Reports from other boats coming into Sunset Marina were that several flounder were also taken off the wrecks in this area. Clam still remains the number one choice of bait, with sand fleas being a close second.


Tog are still around, but as true to summer, keepers are hard to find. Deeper wrecks are still holding some keeper tog with crab being the best baits. Just a reminder tog keep close to the wreck or in the holes of the wreck so pay attention to your rod as bites in this warmer water will be light and after taking the bait the fish will usually swim right back into the wreck and hang you up. If the fish does wreck you up, don’t pull on the line, instead slack the line up and a lot of times the fish will swim out freeing itself from the wreck.


Croaker are biting at the inshore areas. The 28 St. Reef and OC Sewer Pipe after dark continue to be the best locations, with small squid and fish bites being the best baits for these fish. These are not giants so a light rod will make catching them much more fun.


Flounder in the back bays are going strong. Many of the charter and bay boats are boasting numerous catches of some true doormat flounder. Squid and minnow being the hot bait this week. The areas by Commercial Harbor and Sunset Marina are the best producers. All the main channels are also producing well. The area by Stinky Beach right up to the bridge is also producing some nice flounder both by boat and shore.

Sharks & cobia

The near shore reefs are giving up some nice cobia as is usual this time of year. Setting up on anchor and putting out a chum bag is all you need, feeding back a piece of cut oily bait such as bluefish or live eel will usually entice these fish into biting. This time of year also brings in many larger sharks closer to shore. Large duskys and hammerheads have been reported in the area. While chumming for cobia, sharks can become a nuisance but for the angler looking to hook something big this will definitely satisfy that goal. Cobia are a great white meat fish and can be prepared in many ways. Summertime for many means outside grilling and these fish are a thick meat fish and will grill up very well. These fish can be prepared on the grill in many ways, from a simple lemon pepper topping to a mango style sauce. Inshore sharking especially at the 20 fathom fingers has been very strong with several nice size sharks being taken. Hammerheads,thresher,and duskys being the most common.


The entrance to Ocean City is always a popular place for sheepshead and this year they are stacked up there pretty well. Many anglers are reporting great catches on shrimp and clam. Remember these fish are very hook and line leary so use the smallest line and weight possible. Fishing the deep hole on the south side of the Inlet is a great spot to target for anglers new to this species. Ocean City Inlet can get rough as tides roll in and out, so targeting these fish closer to a slack tide will help with boat positioning as well as keeping your bait in the strike zones for a longer period of time. These fish have small mouths and using a smaller hook will result in a much better hook up ratio.


Summer sees numerous triggerfish on the near shore wrecks. Areas such as the bass grounds and wrecks along the Delaware line are usually loaded. The Fenwick Shoals are also a great spot with the boiler site being a great spot to target these fish. Triggerfish are a thick meat fish with a great tasting white meat. Squid is the best bait.

Clams & crabs

Summertime means bigger crabs and more males. We are seeing a slight drop in keepers, about 8-12 per pot but the size of the crabs is getting much better. We are also seeing many more male crabs and less females. Just a note many people steer away from eating females, however when picked I have found very few people that can tell the difference. Any females with an orange egg sack must be returned unharmed to the water, Clams also remain good although areas are picked over .

So get out and catch a memory today!

Fins up and tight lines...

Coastal Fisherman Merch
CF Merch



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